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Unblocking Drains

Blocked sinks or toilets are common problems for every household. Some people may be able to solve these problems themselves, but wise people utilize drainage unblocking services. These service providers are experts who help you identify the problem and provide an effective solution.

Utilizing professional help is always better than applying the “trial and error” phenomenon, especially in matters that are beyond your understanding. If you are the sole owner and inhabitant of the house, you are the only one responsible.

However, if it is a shared building, then things might get confusing. This blog focuses mainly on two aspects of blocked drains:

  • Shared drains blockage responsibility.
  • Does Insurance cover drainage problems?

Does Insurance cover drainage problems?

Everyone seeks help from home remedies for an easy solution. However, they leave you on questionable grounds because you don’t have any idea about the cause of the blockage. Since you don't know about the problem, you can't choose a reasonable solution.

Employing expert help would fulfill the clients as their drain cleaning service would include getting rid of each line’s snares and washing them out. An expert drain unblocker would strive to take out the blockage.

Waste issues emerge from various causes. Understanding the reason can help in picking the most appropriate drain unblocker. It will not simply solve the current situation but will guarantee that a similar issue does not reoccur.

Our experts are here to assist with any blockages or overflows. Regardless of whether it's an impeded sink/latrine or a more profound established issue, we are furnished with the furthest down-the-line innovation to tackle your concerns whenever it might suit you.

Shared buildings

Occasion or no occasion, no one wants to face the unpleasant situation of a blocked drain that reeks of a foul odor of waste materials. When you don’t want to engage in drain cleaning yourself, Drain Unblocking Services is the best solution.

However, in shared buildings, it is hard to decide who is responsible. Drainage unblocking service providers can get your drain unblocked and also solve your queries. Most people are not aware that usually, homeowners or business owners are responsible for solving drainage problems.

Property owners are responsible for general maintenance of whatever is on their premises. So, if the pipes outside of your property get clogged, it wouldn’t be your headache anymore. Usually, local water companies run the sewers of the specific area. They publicly own the sewers so, if you face such an issue, you contact them for further information and complaints.

Those who live in shared buildings and apartments need to contact their landlords if they face a blockage. But, again, expert engineers can quickly and effectively solve the issue you’re facing.

Does my insurance cover drainage unblock?

When you start to notice the signs of drain blockage, you usually try to solve the problem yourself. Everyone seeks refuge in simple solutions like plunging, drainage unblocking gels, home remedies like boiling water and vinegar, etc.

But what if none of these things work? Say goodbye to all your worries by employing a professional drain cleaning service. They would utilize CCTV cameras to understand the situation better and then provide a reasonable solution.

When such problems are faced, one might wonder whether drainage problems can be covered through home insurance. Unfortunately, faulty drainage systems can cause such issues more frequently. You might be relieved to know that most insurance companies will include drainage problems in their accidental damage insurance.

Accidental damage

Accidental damage insurance covers many items within the house. If you get extensive accidental coverage, the insurance company will cover almost all household problems. It would be worth it, especially if you have expensive items in your household.

How can you make that claim? Our efficient engineers can help you with that as well. While you utilize our service, we use CCTV pinhole cameras to survey the problem. The service providers send footage from the survey to your insurance company.

After making a claim, the insurers will contact you or the service you utilized. They give the authorization to solve the issue. A good service provider will be able to assist you throughout the process.

Home remedies may seem simple, but they can be hazardous in a lot of cases. Hence, utilizing a renowned service provider for your drain cleaning needs is the best solution. In addition, comprehensive insurance can cover such issues and damages.

They eliminate the blockage by using a fitting drain unblocker and sink unblocker, keeping you out of danger. The services are affordable and will solve the problems effectively.

We can help

If you think you may have one of these problems then give us a call today on 01256 445200 for some Free Advice or to arrange a visit from our Trained drain unblocking engineers with No Callout Charge